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  Hi mom.... today is dads 91st birthday! And he`s actually quite well. He`s been making a birdhouse with Rita and doing what 91 year olds do....read and watch television. Anyway, I remember when I bought my Harley and came over to your house. I still remember you saying that I could not ever have a tattoo or a motorcycle. And as you know I had both before you left this world... and you loved me anyway...of course! I also remember trying to get you or dad to take a ride on it with me but you said "No Way!" and dad did too..... Anyway..... just wanted to stop by and visit with a memory for dads birthday..... Love you and miss you terribly mom....

  Happy Mothers Day Mom....

and as a friend reminded me, its more than words and a hug or a gift, or lunch. It`s deep seeded love and honor that a child has for their mother. You and dad...totally rescued me from an uncertain future by adopting me. And did a remarkable job raising me ...and Jim and Lynn. I say "Who does that?"  Heroes.... thats who. And you were, and always will be, my hero. I think about you every single day.... every one! And I thank you for molding me, loving me, creating the sensitive side of me... which were but just a few of your fine qualities within you! You were a wife, a mother, a teacher, a mentor, a provider, but most of all, my hero. God bless you mom! You`re heart remains beating inside my chest. You carried me all those years.... so now it`s my turn....


                                                                         I love and miss you......

Happy Easter Grandma! I really missed you today...holidays are just like they use to be. I think you made them great... We use to have one or 2 whole pews full of our family at church and huge easter egg hunts and lots of good food...but today it was just me, mom and richie. I saw lots of your friends at church and they always tell me they miss you and Grandpa! Today was especially hard for me...one because its a holiday and two because it involved going to church. Church always makes me feel more connected with you but also makes me sad because I have so many memories of you throughout my life with you at church. They played our favorite songs at church... I sang them all for you, I hope you heard them. The flowers in the courtyard were the most beautiful that I can ever remember them being. I know on this special day you are lucky to be with Jesus...but I wish you were here with us too. I know my holidays would be way better with you here because everything was better when you were here! Everyone wants me and Richie to have a baby and who knows maybe we will...how about you pick out a baby send him or her to me...I know you will be there special angel like you are mine. Happy Easter Grandma! Till we are together again... Santo Santo...Mi Corazon.....char
  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! Stopping by to let you know, that I love you , and remember one of your birthdays where instead of going out to eat or cake...we all went to the Houston Zoo. AAAaahh the fun we had at the zoo. Riding the train through Herman Park .And the museums, the planetarium, the Alley Theatre. It has made me the cultured person that I am today. I owe so much to you for the success that I have enjoyed through this lifetime. Someday I will be back in your loving sweet arms again.... Happy 86th Birthday mother!
Happy Birthday Grandma! I miss you so much and I wish you were here for us to sing Happy Birthday to... bring you a cake and hear you laugh! It seems like  I miss you more and more every day. People say it gets easier but I know they are just trying to ease the pain...it never gets easier. I remember some years back when me, mom and jen threw you a SWEET 16 BDAY PARTY! I remember seeing you so surprised because we had invited all your friends and family. I remember giving you a hat to wear that had pink fur around it...I would give you a birthday party like that today if you were here. But I know you are in a much better place and I know you are missing us but one day when its our time we will all be together again. Happy Birthday Grandma! Im sending you my love and birthday wishes to you! Love always, your first grand-daughter Char

Hey Grandma,

Everything Dad says its like its coming from my own voice... I feel the exact way. Its hard to find the happiness in the holiday when you arent here to make it all so wonderful. We try to make it great but like Dad says there is sadness...I dont know how the others feel but I know when people look at me they see the same sadness they see in Dads eyes. People just know how hard it is for me especially around the holidays. I cant help wish for the days back when you were here and we were all sitting around your living room with your tree, Lunas Mexican food and laughing. You were always the sparkle in our eye, you made the room brighten up and you brought us all so much love and happiness. I thank God that he gave me such a wonderful Grandma...my life is so touched because I had you in it. My heart will forever have a hole in it and nothing will ever change that missing piece...you took that part of my heart with you to Heaven and one day hopefully long from now we will be back together. You were not just my grandma but also my friend and we had our secrets and talks that no one else ever knew about.  Christmas was so different for me this year... and it has been every year since you left us but you will never be forgotten...i think of you everyday and everything that reminds me of ...I tell people about them and about you. I love you so much. Happy Early Anniversary Grandma...Visit me in my dreams!


Hi mom, and although I know you don`t exist on this page, it gives me a place to come and what seems like visit you.... and at least I feel better, and I know you would want that with your big thoughtful heart. Anyway... Its Christmas day mom...and I miss you! And people look at me and I try and be cheerful but I can tell by the way they look at me, they see the sadness in my eyes. They probably wonder why, and dont realize its you ... that held this family together. You were the super glue... and now we`ve sort of drifted apart. I have Alicia`s side of the family to be with, and my own children too but they have their special lives to tend to, and their own comings and goings and visitations. I`m just downright lonely.... for you. Dad is good... and has a new house next to Jim`s. But its your complete love, the touch of your hand, the smell of your skin, the overwhelming love from your heart I miss. I love you.....and miss you..... Merry Christmas Mom.... 2 days till your wedding anniversary..... yes no one will remember but me.....and you..... xoxoxoxoxoxox

The simple things... Char

Hey Grandma,

We recently taught Navali your old saying " Listen Listen...the cats a pissin..where where...under the chair....too late....done done." Instantly we remembered how much fun we use to have with you saying that...it was the only time we could cuss and not get in trouble. LOL. Now she loves to say it...the next thing I will teach her will be your infamous "CHICKEN SHIT." Which was the only other cuss word we could say. You always made us feel so special and thank you so much for that. You had that way of making such simple things seem so cool and special.... Like the wine Grandpa would give us at Christmas and those traditions we always had. I found the ornament that you had for all of us on your tree. It was the wooden stocking with my name on it. I found it and ran to Richie and said look....do you knwo what this is ..do you? He was like ugh...a ornament. Not just an ornament it was my ornament that my grandma had on her tree every year growing up. I miss you and I will forever remember those things and cherish them close to my heart so that my kids will get to experience that love that you gave us. I miss you...I carry your house key  and your picture key chain on my keys and will forever carry it. I refuse to let that one simple thing I remember seeing my whole life ....never be seen again. Its my reminder everyday...how much i miss you and its something small that was yours that I can always have with me. I love you!

Char Char
Hey Grandma... Well this past weekend I went to my best friend Kims Grandparents house which is on Lake Livingston. Its strange how someone elses grandma's house reminds you of the things you miss the most. Her grandmother is in Heaven with you ...but her house is stll intact. But the fact that her recipe books and dishes and her stuff was still everywhere. All I could think about what how much I miss your presence and your house. I miss that comfort of walking in and knowing where everything was and how everything reminded me of you. You always had cokes for the kids, little bowls for ice cream, cut outs from the newspaper, new recipes, the porch, the smell.....I miss it all very much. Sometimes I drive by the old house and just stop and look at it. When I look at it I instantly see you and Grandpa's face. I miss you very much, always and forever! I love you!
Derek Russell Long Harris
Grandmal there isn't a beautiful enough word in our vocabulary to describe who you were as person. I think the only word that can be used to describe you is "ANGEL"!!!!! I sit back and think about life alot more now since I've been in the ARMY and if I was to change one thing in my life it would be to have spent more time with you. Grandmal I remember the first time I ever saw you and that smile on your face knowing there were more editions to the family. I count my blessings every single day and think the lord for bringing you the most sweetest, considerate,and loving person I have ever had the priviledge to meet in my life. One day, I was working out at the plants with Dad and how proud I was to be, I received the bad news that you had passed away and at that moment I realized that I would never get to feel a truer hug and love like yours again. Grandmal you always showered everybody with love and were never anyone to judge. I truely thank you for treating me as if I was one of yours and I just want you to know how much..."I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL"...God was lucky to have you back and I still think that you were an angel without wings walking this Earth teaching everyone about love and what it meant and how important it is. "GRANDMAL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I GET TO FEEL THAT HUG ONCE AGAIN" til we meet again your Grandson and proud of it Derek Russell Long Harris!!!!!!!
Well Grandma...4 long years without you. If it was up to me I wouldnt go a day without you. I would say today is the hardest day for me but it really isnt. Every day is hard for me. The day I found out your were gone, the days before that when you were sick. The day we had your memorial and I wanted to badly to stand up and tell everyone about stories and how much I love you, the day I got married and you werent there, the moment caught on my wedding video dancing with daddy and all I can think about is I wish you were dancing with us. I miss calling you on my way home. I miss telling you everything and you always made it seem okay in the end. You were such a beautiful person who really lit up everyones lives you were around. I like to imagine you in Heaven sitting in your recliner with all the stray cats and laughing and sharing stories. When I get sad I look at the pictures, the precious things you gave me and your baby book. I remember the stories we shared and will forever keep them in my heart. Love you forever!
  So I wanted to say that I miss you and know it`s only been 4 years, but feels twice that long since I`ve gotten to hold your hand, get that hug, or hear your voice. Most would say that it doesnt seem that long, but for me its totally opposite. The love that I recieved from you was infinite ... always assuring me of the direction you saw my life going in, ready to right the ship if you saw it going the wrong direction. Today I`m an older man, since my 51st birthday just three days ago. And I carry the sound judgement in my descisions that you... the teacher... taught me over the years. I get my best reflections of you when I go to the coast, where I can look out over the blue waters, the clear skies with a few puffy clouds floating by, and hope you`re looking down on me, and the rest of our family, with admiration as we try and continue this journey through life with the everyday struggles that people go through. Some worse than others. I.... was blessed the day you and dad adopted me and rescued me from an uncertain life. And I`ve always thanked my lucky stars for that.... I love you mom.... I miss you mom....  we ALL miss you mom.....
1st Grand-Daughter
Hey Grandma... Tomorrow is the anniversary of us losing you. Not a day goes by I dont think about you and miss you. SO much stuff happens and I wish you were here for me to come and talk to... I miss our talks on the couch or on the back patio. We could talk about anything for hours.... I always knew when that day was going to come that it was going to be hard on me... its a lot harder than what I expected. So much has changed, holidays, memories, church...everything is different and I miss the way things were when you were here. You made every moment special...you made them memories. I miss you and I miss Grandpa. I miss your house...I miss the smell of your house. I miss the cups and little bowls. You dont think about all the little things that remind you of a person...till they are all gone. I have the things you gave me over time and the few little things that I have of yours that I will forever cherish and pass down. I love you so much Grandma....I need you right now.... as my grandma and my angel.
Your son...

Hi Mom... so by now you may have seen your beloved grand-dog Rocks. I had to let him go last week on 9/23/09 because of several aliments and the fact that he was right at 100 people years old. So hopefully he is up there playing with you and laying in your lap being petted as it always was when I brought him by to visit. I can remember you watch us drive off after tuesday dinner, with Rocks hanging out the window, and you waving till we just slipped out of sight from the neighbors house. It just hurt me so bad to have lost yet another family member, and with the anniversary of your passing coming next week, its just almost over-whelming. I tend to feel like a row boat with no paddles now... just adrift at sea... all quiet, nothing for miles... I`m really missing you...and Rocks .... know that you`ve not been forgotten my loving mother....know that your loved... xoxo

John "la toot" Long

   Just was thinking about when you took this picture and telling me "be careful" before I would ride off. And I have been careful. I never did get dad on the bike for a ride...lol. Or you for that matter. It would have been fun mom...

   So another memory was when you told me the story of when I was like 5 months old and everyone was eating and you were feeding me baby food and yall were having your famous pinto beans and cornbread and I was crying cause I didnt want baby food, I wanted beans and cornbread! So you just went ahead and gave me some and I woofed it down. Then the gas came on, and has never gone away! Hahahaha.... thus the name "La toot" that you gave me. You were such a wonderful woman.... and mother..... we all miss you...... yes... still!

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